Shop our range from Fraupow, the woman-led company which seeks to bring joy back to breastfeeding without breaking a budget. Their wearable and hands-free breast pump is a simple, lightweight, no-wires pump that enables mums everywhere to do what they do best - multitask the hell out of their daily chores and errands.
The Fraupow Breast Pump Kit is all a new breastfeeding mother would need, including the Wearable Breast Pump, Milk Collector + Manual Pump and 3 milk bottles. All are designed to make nursing mothers' lives easier when breastfeeding. The Fraupow Wearable Breast Pump is an award-winning breast pump that is designed for modern mums. These breast pumps can be worn and they're not as noisy, bulky and clumsy as others. Meaning that they are a great hands-free breast pump - if your hands are occupied you are still able to provide a good supply of milk with your regular routine. There are no wires, plugs or hassle with these pumps, it is easily put into your bra and stays discreetly under your clothing. The pump is made of BPA-free silicone materials and is lightweight and durable. Fraupow refers to the pump as "almost undetectable" and that "the only real sign of its existence will be how much milk it helps you produce". The hands-free breast pump uses advanced air-pressure pulse technology, which expresses milk whilst avoiding irritation and discomfort. The Fraupow Milk Collector + Manual Pump is a great way to manually pump on the go or when baby is sleeping. Perfect for nursing mothers, the silicone pump has a natural suction that draws out the milk in a way that is comfortable for you and it collects the overflowing milk when you are nursing or pumping.Fraupow Breast Pump Kit
Fraupow Wearable Breast Pump
Fraupow Milk Collector + Manual Pump

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